• MediHub is a virtual scribing service offering scribe services to doctors around the world to help doctors in handling Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) by following Hippa compliances. So Security and Data Integrity is key to the business.
  • Our medical scribes specialize listens in real-time to the patient visit, and enters information into the Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) as directed by the physician. This result in Improved operational workflow. It offer the physician the ability to increase revenue, improve work-life balance and decrease physician burnout.



  • In accordance with the information provided by a particular physician, we prepare patient-specific notes and documents to update the EHR of the patients.
  • All of our scribes have been trained to pay attention to keywords. They update the EHR of the patients thoroughly. The documentation done by our scribes is very precise.
  • Our scribes perform in a HIPAA compliant atmosphere. We work very attentively to maintain the confidentiality of a patient's sensitive health information.
  • We make detailed updates of the patient's medical history along with previous medical notes of allergies, immunizations, health maintenance, etc.
  • In the case of live scribing, we take notes directly from the examination room conversation and update the EHR of the patient with that information within 3 minutes.
  • In addition to direct notes, we also talk directly to patients if the clinician gives us that instruction.
  • We have an extremely efficient security procedure. Our offices are well-equipped with RFID/biometric, ensuring absolute security.
  • We work together with the physician to finalize on the EHR. The health-provider reviews the details of the final medical document before he/she signs it.
  • At the end of it, all that the physician will be expected to do in terms of the paperwork is to give it a final review and sign the EHR of the patient prepared by our scribes.


  • Physicians can now focus on providing the patients with the more enhanced treatment experience, without the pressing stress of overwhelming paperwork.

  • The well-equipped, talented, and trained scribes of MediHub always work hard towards maintaining the quality of the medical charts aka EHR prepared by them.

  • At MediHub we strongly stick to the values of security, confidentiality, and integrity. Our well-trained scribes make sure that the health information of the patient is not disclosed in accordance with our adherence to HIPAA.

  • With increased face to face time for diagnosis of patients, physicians can ensure that the time is dedicated entirely to their treatment.
  • This ensures patient satisfaction.